Thursday, October 13, 2011

Under the Weather

   One thing that people should know about me, I am a terrible sick person.  I tend to be reclusive but I want people to automatically know that something is wrong and show up at my door with jello cups, popsicles and hot pineapple juice.  I would never actually ask for help and when I do that means the situation is usually dire.  Also another fact I ALWAYS assume the worst when I am sick, like I currently have a sinus infection which caused a double ear infection, but before I actually saw the doctor I had self diagnosed myself with a brain tumor that was sitting on my optical nerve which accounted for the headaches, blurry vision and nausea. Let me give a piece of advice to my fellow hypochondriacs (Mom) WebMD is NOT your friend, because that website only confirmed my brain tumor theory and sent me into a slight panic attack and made me send a mass text to friends and family that I did in fact have a brain tumor, which in turn made them say" no you don't Caity" then I in my typical smart ass fashion tell them " When I  die of a brain tumor I want me headstone to say I told you so" .   I don't know what I am trying to accomplish with this post.... maybe I am just bored because I am laying on my couch watching Swamp People (awesome show btw) and I can literally feel my head throbbing and all I want is a big hug from a certain someone and maybe rest my fevered head on his shoulder. I am even willing to sacrifice my dignity and let him see me at my absolute worst to get what I want. 

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