Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A letter to the One.

Dear You,

You have many names none of which I can put on here, one of them you know but most you don't. One never knows how to approach the subject of laying it all on the line, but I was encouraged by a man of infinite wisdom and faith to put it in a letter and hold onto it for awhile. I however think a written and printed letter is a dangerous thing to just have on my person, so I decided to write in my blog; a place I know is safe because no self respecting manly man would read something this sappy on his own volition.

We have been friends for some months now and ours is a friendship that I cherish beyond measure. You took care of me when I was recovering from surgery, laugh at my jokes, share your workouts with me, pick tables up one handed, tell me when I have pen on my face and show me where, you love my food and eat it in on a regular basis, you check on me if I am sick, you're kind, loving, strong, grounded, you laugh at me cause I don't eat pointy french fries and you secretly love my nickname for you (even if it was revealed while I was under the influence).

For all of the reasons above and a few more I find that my feelings for you are beginning to change and grow into something stronger than friendship because the characteristics you posses are ones that I would seek in someone that I would like to pursue a relationship with. So my request is this; if there is a chance that you see this friendship potentially growing into something more please let me know and if it is your wish to remain friends that is alright with me too, I would like to know so that I might stop these feelings from continuing to grow and we can keep our friendship right where it is.

So Big Handsome, there it is. Time for me keep fish or cut the bait.



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